Lindsey Keates Tidalmarks Studio. Photo credit: James Pearce.
Conscious Earth Painting is available to purchase at The Ground Coffee House, Plymouth. “I recommend the Coffee!” 90x90cm Boxed Canvas
Priced £2000.
Meet the Artist
Hi, I am a Cornish Environmental and Political Fine Artist from Redruth, Cornwall.
My Artwork started as a tribute but has always been inspired by the effects of man-made pollution on nature and areas of natural beauty and we sell worldwide!
“I started with 4 canvases, I sold a couple and replenished each time, Now we have over 200 paintings in stock, I’m very proud!”
Tired of painting perfect scenes, when in reality they are covered in dog poop bags and litter.
Lindsey decided to do something about it, "My work has developed along with the times since Blue Planet and current issues on Climate change, I incorporate litter findings and messages in my work, also lyrics from music, often as titles to describe or soften stark reality, I often use dreams to create my work".
The work at the garden studio often changes, you are very welcome to call in, or shop online
get in touch we would love to hear from you.
To Commission Art
Book Lindsey for
Guest Speaking
& Exhibition
Get in touch to visit
Lindsey Keates Tidalmarks Studio
Tel +44 1209697863